Can Bidets Be harmful?

Is the US finally accepting Bidets? Until a few years ago, the bathroom appliance that sprays water on the anus and genitals after poop or pee was only popular in Asia and Europe. Actually, there are some parts of the world where people use the appliance every time they visit the washroom. But recently, bidets have been catching on in the US. Apart from the praises Americans have been singing, it also looks cleaner than tissue paper. That said, are bidets harmful? Let’s find out.

There is concern about the significant impact of bidet use on vaginal colonization. According to research published in the European Journal of Public Health, 43% of female bidet users had a higher risk of bacterial vaginosis. Further, this study has identified an increased risk of vulvar pruritus.

However, other studies show that using the appliance can help with cleanliness, which may minimize cases of hemorrhoids, urinary tract infections, and other medical issues.

The debate has been around for a while after doing thorough research, and we chose to address this issue once and for all. Today, this article digs deeper into the benefits as well scenarios where they can be harmful. Let’s dive in.


A bidet is a bathroom device that made its way to the western world in the fifteenth century. It dates back centuries to when toilet paper wasn’t even invented yet. It is unknown when it was invented, but scientists believe it could have originated from Turkey, Greece, Italy, and France.

Bidets may be the most underrated bathroom appliance since the shower curtain. This hand-held or floor-standing device looks like a toilet. Yet, it aids in cleaning your private parts after you’ve used the toilet.

You can incorporate bidet directly into your toilet (have a click here for such bidets). Or it can be part of an independent device. A bidet toilet is intended to be used as the user sits over the toilet after defecation instead of wiping fecal matter from their external genitalia.

Contrary to what many Americans believe, bidets are not a new invention. They have been around for hundreds of years. Bidets were most likely first used in ancient Greece. And the ancient Romans most likely came up with the idea of using a bowl or basin to clean oneself after defecating.

The bidet was most likely nothing more than a ceramic bowl filled with water and used for these purposes during Roman times. Bidets may seem an enigma to Americans, but they are genuinely a good product for hygiene. If you’re new to the bidet toilet seat and have been wondering what they’re all about, then this article is for you.


Let us turn our eyes to the ultimate question in the bidet vs toilet paper debate: “What are the potential negative side effects of using a bidet?” The answer comes down to the general safety of each method’s use. While they can be fully functional and hygienic additions to your home, Bidets involve a higher risk of side effects than simply sticking to toilet paper.

For example, using a bidet can disrupt the normal pH balance of the vagina, which could cause bacterial vaginosis. Because of this factor, people who use bidets may be more likely to get infections than people who don't.


The bidet has been used for thousands of years and generally offers a safe and practical way to cleanse the human posterior. Recently, they have seen a boom in bidet popularity in the Western world. You can still view the re-emergence of this unique hygiene device with some amount of suspicion.

Bidets are no longer luxurious bathroom accessories reserved for the rich and famous. Both hospital and home-use bidets are now available for several medical conditions. Below we discuss various benefits associated with bidet use.


Used frequently, a bidet is an effective way to clean your facial area without using toilet tissue or wipes. The warm water cleans the area very nicely. The user does not have to deal with dry paper, which can exacerbate their fissure.


Many studies show that bidet usage reduces the use of toilet paper. It, therefore, conserves the environment. The use of bidets reduces the chances of hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and abscesses infections.

The use of bidet seats can treat some forms of rectal prolapse infection. Patients suffering from rectal prolapse may experience mild to moderate discomfort (depending on the severity of the condition).


Using a bidet can alleviate many of the symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders. This is by improving your health and helping your body expel waste more efficiently.


Whether they’re called bidets or “that toilet with the fancy spray nozzle thingie,” these sanitation devices have been used in households around the world for centuries. While most people are familiar with how they function, many fail to recognize the potential health effects associated with them. Below are the drawbacks of regular use of bidets.


The issue is that cold water freezes much faster than warm water. This means that as your bidet is trying to clean you and it’s getting ready to turn off, the water may freeze and clog under the nozzle (especially if you’re using a non-electric bidet). And it can build up fast! Which leaves you with a freezing cold hose spraying down your butt attached to your toilet.


However, some experts believe that bidets can cause anal pain, especially when the narrow water jets are used at high pressure. Often, women who use bidet regularly have an imbalance in their vaginal bacterial flora. This can lead to vaginal infections.


Scientists have discovered that the natural microflora in the vagina is altered when exposed to a bidet. This can lead to vaginitis.


Before you dismiss the health benefits of a bidet toilet seat, think about this. It cleans your sensitive, delicate area more effectively than toilet paper alone. While the idea in the past has put off some associate bidets with something nasty, that’s no reason to dismiss them altogether.

However, before using bidets regularly, you should know how to use them safely. It is wise first to practice letting the water run out of non-moving faucets. Also, you should use the same water pressure as that of the toilet seat.

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